To arrest a “drug dealer”.

Image from and submitted by hootersbutwithcats
image showing To arrest a “drug dealer”.

Gullflyinghigh on March 30th, 2019 at 23:35 UTC »

Hang on. Does/would that work?!

Peter_Mansbrick on March 30th, 2019 at 23:57 UTC »

We were randomly chosen to have our car torn apart during a crossing when I was a kid. We all sat inside watching as they scoured every possible hiding place. One young guard started getting excited and veritably pranced back into the office holding a plastic bag full of a dried green substance, all chuffed with himself for finding a stash. An older, calmer guard opened the bag, took a sniff and said "it's mint" and let us go.

pease_pudding on March 31st, 2019 at 00:46 UTC »

After the police apologised and left, Ross's kitty shat out 6 condoms packed full of grade A cocaine