All those racists calling themselves patriots.

Image from and submitted by maplesyrupchin
image showing All those racists calling themselves patriots.

TheDVille on March 20th, 2019 at 21:27 UTC »

This is exactly why r/NewPatriotism exists.

It’s crazy to me that people can wave a flag that represent literal treason against the United States to uphold human enslavement, and still pretend they’re Patriots.

And people like this.

ZenMonkey47 on March 20th, 2019 at 21:40 UTC »

Those who wave the flags of America's enemies should be treated as such.

JayNotAtAll on March 20th, 2019 at 23:44 UTC »

This is what blows my mind about the Confederacy and people who claim "muh heritage". The Confederacy was barely a nation. For one, didn't last more than five years. Also, no trading partners recognized them as a legitimate country (think Taiwan and China today, or Palestine and Israel).

Now I could see if the Confederacy lasted for 100 years. You would have at least three generations. A baby could have been born the day the Confederacy was formed and would have barely been self aware when it ended.

The Confederacy is a blip on the radar historically. So claiming it as a part of one's heritage is bullshit when there is a lot more history available for the South.

It would be as ridiculous as someone from Nazi Germany flying that flag, doing the Hitler salute and claiming that it's their heritage. Okay, such a rich history for Germany but you want to focus on the moments when they were terrible?

It is less "muh heritage" and more "muh identity". They choose to define themselves as Confederates. If a German person in 2019 were to walk around Germany in an SS uniform and doing the Hitler salute, they are defining their identity in that era.

They are essentially saying that they liked that world and want it back. That is what the "muh heritage" people are doing. They don't really care about the history of the Confederacy. They care about what the Confederacy stood for. They thought that leaving the rest of the country behind. They also think subjugation of black people is a keen idea. Not saying they want to own them, but they definitely want them in their place.