Pinterest Project for $12 : Carpet Samples + Gorilla Tape

Image from and submitted by starstufft
image showing Pinterest Project for $12 : Carpet Samples + Gorilla Tape

logically on March 17th, 2019 at 19:36 UTC »

My dogs ate a roll of gorilla glue tape because it tastes sweet. Most expensive roll of tape I ever bought.

djgump35 on March 17th, 2019 at 19:38 UTC »

Where can I get big carpet samples?

When I was carpeting my house, I got samples that fit in your hand.

slightlydramatic on March 17th, 2019 at 21:13 UTC »

A carpet cutter is about $7 at a hardware store. Every time you visit a friend, ask for some hot tea or coffee and soon as they leave the room to make it, move the couch a bit and cut out a square then move it back. They will never notice and once you’re done collecting pieces from all your friends and relatives, you’ll have an inexpensive AND sentimental rug of your own.