How to deal with a pedophile that I’m related to : legaladvice

Authored by and submitted by missjeanlouise12

A couple months ago, I (13 at the time) was close to my sister’s husband (24). Me and my sister(20something) were close too.

The previous week we spent a vacation at Universal Studios Florida. I had an amazing time and I didn’t expect anything to happen.

We stayed at a hotel with a pool, and every night my brother, oldest sis(OS) and sister’s husband (sh) would go to this pool to wind down. Nothing happened on these pool trips, except me feeling a little off by the way SH would treat me. So, I was in a bathing suit most nights for SH to see.

At this point, me, SH, and OS were very close. We had a lot in common, and I would have considered myself their friend and family. I wouldn’t have expected anything to happen.

I made plans with them to stay at their house the next summer, so I could have a little away time from my “overbearing” parents.

The plane ride home, I asked SH to let me use his drawing tablet. He always let me use it, and he gave me a lot of unnecessary gifts. I don’t know if this was grooming. He let me use it, but he said he had something to show me first.

He pulled up a long document. The first sentence was something along the lines of “Please don’t tell anybody about this letter,” which should have been a red flag, but I thought it must have been some rules for staying at their house next summer. (OS said I could get high, because she doesn’t believe in weed being illegal)

I was wrong. Very wrong. It was a love letter. It started off like an appreciation letter, but it wasn’t. One of the lines specifically said “I know it’s not normal for adults like me to want a relationship with people of your age, but I want to know if you feel the same.”

I had to read it three times to make sure i wasn’t dreaming. Unfortunately, I wasnt.

I told a friend (14M) about the situation about 10 minutes after it happened. He helped me calm down. I have told 4 other friends since then.

The following days, I stayed in my room. I didn’t talk to anybody because I was disgusted at myself.

Labor day weekend, I was having panic attacks every day because my parents made plans to see OS and SH. I didn’t know what to do. I go to therapy every other weekend. I told my therapist that I really didn’t want to go to OS’s house over the weekend. I explained it like, “I don’t feel comfortable around him anymore. He gave me a letter.” I wasn’t yet comfortable telling them what was in the letter.

My mom called OS, and OS said it was just a “misunderstanding “, and the letter was just a “friendly appreciation letter.”

I explained the whole situation to my mother and she let me stay at my Aunt’s house for the weekend.

I should add: OS knew everything. She was the one who recommended to SH that he let his feelings out and told him to tell me. She acknowledged that it was a crush when she tried to calm me down after the situation.

I have stayed at my Aunt’s almost every time my family went to OS’s house. The one time I didn’t, I stayed at home with my 18y/o sister.

The only one who doesn’t know about the whole situation in my immediate family is my brother (17) and oldest brother (20) who is currently in another state.

The problem is, they might be coming for Christmas. I don’t think I can file a lawsuit or something in 2 days, but I never want them near me. SH made me feel disgusting, and he made me untrusting of almost every adult in my life, even my own father.

What can I sue him for and/or can I file a restraining order?

TL;DR: sister’s husband (24) gave me(13 att) a love letter, and i don’t want him near me ever again.

edit: i’ve told my parents everything about the letter and how it made me feel.

Tzuchen on December 24th, 2018 at 01:33 UTC »

OS knew everything. She was the one who recommended to SH that he let his feelings out and told him to tell me.

My jaw literally dropped at that. What the fuck.

mnmsnpeps1 on December 23rd, 2018 at 23:41 UTC »

Anyway on the off chance LAOP reads this thread, what's happening to you is inexcusable and your parents and sister are not only doing you a huge disservice but outright putting you in danger by not taking this seriously. Tell your parents everything, if they don't take it seriously, you are 1000% within rights to tell your therapist (or the police if you prefer) and brace for a legal process to unfold. What your parents and sister have to say about it holds absolutely zero water compared to the fact that he's acting inappropriately towards you, a child who is barely more than half his age. I can't properly express how sorry I am that you're being put through this and the adults in your life aren't doing more to protect you.

your_mom_is_availabl on December 23rd, 2018 at 23:02 UTC »

HO. LY. SHIT. Some of the comments are beyond dumpster fire.

So take it as a compliment. Congratulations, you're a very likeable young lady.

What is wrong with some people??