[UPDATE] 6 years ago I was sexually assaulted by three men [Maryland] : legaladvice

Authored by reddit.com and submitted by Jubenheim

Hi everybody. I deleted my original post after it reached the front page, but everything seems to be archived here.

Let me start off by saying thank you. I cannot express how valuable your kindness and support is to me. Thank you for listening. Thank you for giving me the strength and confidence to share my story and seek justice. Thank you for reminding me that there are always plenty of compassionate, warm, and loving people in this scary world.

I found out that my attacker does not work with any type of law enforcement agency. Sorry, not such a juicy story anymore. Just a boring old rape. I heard from a friend that this man was now a police officer, but it turns out he was posting photos of himself in his mother’s police cruiser. The fact that his mother is with MD state police is irrelevant. My heart breaks for that woman, and I have nothing but positive things to say about Maryland’s first responders.

I considered deleting this account and moving forward after learning my first statement was totally wrong. I made a mistake. I spoke too soon. That man is not a police officer, but he doesn’t need a badge and uniform to assault more women.

I met with my local PD tonight. I shared my story. They saved the digital evidence and recorded names of witnesses. All I know is that I’ll be in touch with a criminal investigator soon. This is out of my hands now. Those men and their actions are no longer my responsibility. Their horrible secrets are no longer mine to carry.

Truthfully, I am doing just fine. Time heals everything. Thank you for asking.

Thank you everybody. I wish I could hug every single one of you. Your messages mean the world to me.

daemon3642 on December 4th, 2018 at 08:55 UTC »

I wish her peace.

windowcircle on December 4th, 2018 at 07:22 UTC »

I can’t believe how nice she is being, apologising for mistaking his posing in a cop car for him being a cop. I hope she is treated well by those she reported to, and that maybe there is some closure and even justice.

railroadbaron on December 4th, 2018 at 06:23 UTC »

Good for her! One of the hardest things anyone will ever have to do!

I hope she is able to see justice.