Call it like it is

Image from and submitted by dickfromaccounting
image showing Call it like it is

mattjh on November 2nd, 2018 at 14:20 UTC »

You can’t reason with people who never used any reason to arrive at their conclusions in the first place

foreverwasted on November 2nd, 2018 at 14:35 UTC »

Shouldn't there be laws against not vaccinating? Anti vaxxers should be quarantined from society if they refuse to vaccinate. Others shouldn't have to suffer from the downsides of their stupidity.

morewineformeplease on November 2nd, 2018 at 17:02 UTC »

This emerging disease is polio like in that it has similar symptoms, and is not a re-emergence of the nearly eradicated polioenchepalomalacia (polio for short). Its a completely different disease. Antivaxxers are dumb as fuck but this one has nothing to do with them not vaccinating. Now the measles deaths on the otherhand.....

Lets not jump on the bandwagon of misinformation to push our own agenda that antivaxxers are completely retarded, even if they really really are.