School boy takes MICROWAVE to school to carry books after school bans bags

Authored by and submitted by Sam596
image for School boy takes MICROWAVE to school to carry books after school bans bags

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A schoolboy resorted to using a microwave to carry his books in to school as his school banned sixth formers from carrying large bags to lessons.

Seventeen-year-old Jacob Ford took the stand due to the 'ridiculous' rule change at Spalding Grammar School, which was put in place to prevent younger pupils from being injured.

However, the school then suspended Jacob for two days as he held a 'silent protest' where he brought his things to school in various items, including a wicker basket and a microwave.

Jacob said: "The reasons for them changing is for one reason and one reason only which has been hammered into all of our brains over the course of the several assemblies that we've had.

“Health and safety. Or more specifically, the year sevens and one member of staff.

“These people have been struck in the face or knocked backwards by our bags swinging around in the corridor.

“Once again, I do not doubt this ever happening. But is the best solution really to outright ban backpacks?

Jacob also put forward his thoughts in a 3,000 word document titled 'Bags in Sixth Form - my thoughts and a potential solution' that he gave to his head teacher Steven Wilkinson.

According to Jacob, the rule stating that bags are not permitted to be carried into and used during lessons has been in place for over 25 years, but has never been enforced.

Jacob claims the new bag policy forces students to risk their health and shell out cash.

He said: “With most issues money is going to be involved - this case being no exception to that rule.

"I believe that paying for a new bag which fits the school's updated regulations is outrageous, especially this close to the start of the academic year, when many students have recently paid for new rucksacks, not knowing of the rule changes.

"These bags are effectively part our school uniform and should be purchased once a year at a maximum.

"So me or my parents having to fork out around £40 for a new bag which fits with the school's policies is outrageous.”

Additionally he said that the school guidelines indicate carrying books on the back is the safest course.

He added: “The ban of backpacks leads to the question of whether the school is trying to make us have worse 'physical development' for suggesting we do not use these types of bags.”

Jacob’s mum Tracy Ford, 48, said: “I think Jacob’s protest has been very peaceful and I believe he should have his say.

“At the end of the day, I believe in freedom of speech and so I’m very proud of him for standing up for something he believes in. Microwave or no microwave.”

The ban states: “Bags of any size may be used to bring books and kit to and from school, but bags are not permitted in lessons during the day.

“Pupils are encouraged to carry books by hand for a maximum of two lessons at a time."

Days after the rule was enforced, a petition began online.

Hannah Catterall, who started it, wrote: “Students have been forbidden to carry bags such as backpacks to take books and provisions to lessons, which would enable them to get the most out of their educational experience.

“Being in the sixth form increases the amount of work drastically compared to lower years and therefore we are required to carry more items.

“By not permitting backpacks, students are unable to carry revision materials to and from school with ease and therefore grades may dramatically decrease.”

The petition was removed days later having gained 463 signatures.

Many others, including parents, rallied round, calling the decision to ban bags “pathetic”, “disappointing” and “ridiculous”.

Bridget Allan, who has two children at the school, said: “I was outraged when I heard about the ban. I think it is ridiculous.

“How can you even get to places on time with all the right books, let alone do things like sanitary towels?

“This is something all of the girls and female teachers are talking about.”

Sherry Grief said: “The students have a lot to carry and if they get banned from having bags, how many other sixth forms will follow suit?”

Noah Leatherland said: “Looks like I got out just in time, what a truly ridiculous rule. If I hadn’t had a bag to haul everything around, sixth form would have been 12 times less organised and 3000 times more miserable.”

And Suzanne Brown added: “I find this rule utterly ridiculous and it causes more stress for the children for absolutely no good reason.”

Parents took to social media to slam the rules, which left many youngsters forced to transfer their books from a bag into plastic carrier bags for lessons.

The school has declined to comment or provide further details of the uniform policy.

The school’s website outlines a uniform policy for sixth form for both male and female students, but does not mention bags at all.

NLioness on October 22nd, 2018 at 19:45 UTC »

Seventeen-year-old Jacob Ford took the stand due to the 'ridiculous' rule change at Spalding Grammar School, which was put in place to prevent younger pupils from being injured.

Wouldn't it be easier to prevent injuries by simply banning younger pupils?

TEKC0R on October 22nd, 2018 at 19:19 UTC »

If the danger to students is them whacking each other as they turn around, I think the problem is not the backpack, but the amount of crap the students need to carry.

sftwlkr on October 22nd, 2018 at 17:37 UTC »

The better question is... why the fuck would a school ban bags?