Earthworms Jim (NIGHTMARE FUEL) : Simulated

Authored by and submitted by tysonibele
image for Earthworms Jim (NIGHTMARE FUEL) : Simulated

Like simulations that were created with computer animation software, or looking to make them yourself? Well you've come to the right place! Post your favourite fluid, smoke, soft or rigid body simulations here.

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Eskoot195382 on September 23rd, 2018 at 04:07 UTC »

This is amazing. Fuck you

Youredoingitwrongbro on September 23rd, 2018 at 02:38 UTC »

thanks, i hate it!

tysonibele on September 23rd, 2018 at 02:36 UTC »

This was made as somewhat of a stress-test of tyFlow's crowd simulation system. A single worm was created and skinned with a dozen bones, using SplineIK within 3dsmax. Some keyframes were added to the rig, along with some bend/twist modifiers, to create a single animation clip of it twisting and turning.

That single worm was then imported into tyFlow as a crowd actor, and duplicated 2000 times. Its underlying bones were auto-converted to PhysX rigidbodies and joined together with PhysX joints. Then, its keyframe animation was projected onto the dynamic rigidbodies of those actors so that the worms wriggle and writhe while maintaining proper collisions between each other.

A mocap clip of a character standing and then walking forward was used as an underlying surface target for the worms, who try to move towards the animated surface based on a distance threshold to the surface. If they get close enough, they latch on, but if their velocity gets too high, they can fling off.

Once the simulation was setup (600 frames total, 30k rigidbodies, 30 mins sim time), I placed a few different cameras in the scene and rendered out the edit you see here (using VRay). Once the edit was complete, I added audio with sound and music from and