Yesterdsy german diplomatic missions' flags were at a half-staff

Image from and submitted by iwanttosaysmth
image showing Yesterdsy german diplomatic missions' flags were at a half-staff

iwanttosaysmth on September 2nd, 2018 at 06:18 UTC »

Tweet of German ambassador Ralf Nikel:

Dziś, 79 lat po napaści Niemiec na Polskę, składamy hołd pamięci wszystkich Polaków, którym w wyniku zbrodni popełnionych przez niemieckiego okupanta przysporzono nieopisanych cierpień. Na znak żałoby niemieckie placówki dyplomatyczne w Polsce opuściły flagi do połowy masztów.

Today, 79 years after Germany's invasion of Poland, we pay homage to the memory of all Poles who went through indescribable suffering as a result of the crimes committed by the German invader. As a sign of mourning, German diplomatic missions in Poland have left the flags to half masts.

faithle55 on September 2nd, 2018 at 11:12 UTC » Poland

Diplomatic missions in Poland.

If OP had said that I would have known what it was about, instead of wondering whether some famous German had died...