Hey everyone. I’m here to tell you all some good news; news that does put a smile on my face. : The-Jedi-Apprentice

Authored by reddit.com and submitted by The-Jedi-Apprentice

As you all know, I was in talks with one of the admins of Reddit. He told me that doing a massive ban the day before July 4 was a terrible idea, because many of Reddit’s engineers would be out with their families. Also, the engineers would not be prepared for a mass ban so close to it.

However, I presented a solution to these two problems, and I now have their permission to ban half of the sub!

The random 50% ban will take place on July 9. The admins are designing a bot for me that will allow me to do the job in a quick and easy manner. So, be patient, and thank you all for your support.

EDIT: Wow everyone, 9 Reddit gold both here and on r/thanosdidnothingwrong just for this post. Thank you guys so much. So, we have six days until the ban so let’s make the most of that time (I’d personally like to see some more memes). Each day we are one infinity stone closer.

Vahn1982 on July 3rd, 2018 at 16:34 UTC »

Is there gonna be a sticky post with just the word "SNAP"

Edit:typo, sorry.

Valentonis on July 3rd, 2018 at 16:34 UTC »

The Admins saw 14 million possibilities, this was the only way

crhanon on July 3rd, 2018 at 16:31 UTC »

I hope they remember you.