The Big Lebowski (1998) When Donnie bowls in the scene before he has his heart attack he does not hit a strike and proceeds to examine his arm, a symptom of an impending heart attack is discomfort in

Authored by and submitted by Jimmy_J3NKN5
image for The Big Lebowski (1998) When Donnie bowls in the scene before he has his heart attack he does not hit a strike and proceeds to examine his arm, a symptom of an impending heart attack is discomfort in

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AroundGoesThe18 on July 2nd, 2018 at 08:26 UTC »

R.I.P. Donnie who loved bowling.

WhatabeezyBoy on July 2nd, 2018 at 07:40 UTC »

Isn’t this the only frame in the movie where he doesn’t bowl a strike?

kbean826 on July 2nd, 2018 at 06:30 UTC »

He’s rubbing his right hand, typical presentation for a heart attack is left arm pain. Maybe a foreshadow but probably just a coincidence and the fact that he bowled a “bad” frame.