In "A Grand Day Out" (1989), the creators had Wallace say "Wensleydale" because it made his face look nice and toothy. They did not realize the factory where Wensleydale cheese is made was about to de

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AuntChilada on June 12nd, 2018 at 17:53 UTC »

I went to the Wensleydale Creamery and they have a special label for the "Wallace & Gromit" cheese. The guide told us the story of how the business was saved by the mention in W&G. They have a big tasting room where you can get a sample of all of the cheeses. The Abbot's Gold was delicious!

FerNunezMendez on June 12nd, 2018 at 17:05 UTC »

With the passing of Peter Sallis, I guess no more Wallace and Gromit ever?

irving_braxiatel on June 12nd, 2018 at 16:19 UTC »

And Wallace’s wide mouth came from the way Peter Sallis would pronounce ‘ee’ sounds in words.