The fuckery involved here is on another level.

Image from and submitted by weird_shit-happens
image showing The fuckery involved here is on another level.

FavoriteRegularSubs on June 4th, 2018 at 05:48 UTC »

r/rage material

Curatoria_Sol on June 4th, 2018 at 07:03 UTC »

So... A double whammy of stopping asthma medication, then smothering the child in a common asthma trigger. A+ parenting right there.

KleineHonigbiene on June 4th, 2018 at 07:11 UTC »

And then they'll post to their facebook group "my son just passed from an asthma attack. I was treating him with essential oils but I feel like it might have been my fault! Please reassure me it wasn't" and tons of people responding "It wasn't your fault, the medicine he was taking in the first place is what poisoned him! You were only making him better but big pharma is what caused this, not you!"