The Daily Populous

Sunday May 20th, 2018 evening edition

image for The birds that fear death

A team has now set out to unpick just why crows act so attentively around their fallen brethren.

To do so, they set up an innovative experiment, capitalising on the knowledge that crows do not forget a threatening face.

A series of studies led by John Marzluff of the University of Washington in Seattle, US, revealed that crows will remember an apparently dangerous individual.

They would be holding a dead crow, palms outstretched like you might hold a plate of hors d'oeuvre.

These results show that crows will avoid an area or thing that is deemed dangerous to their own species.

"It tells us that crows view death, at least in part, as a 'teachable moment' to borrow an anthropomorphic phrase.

Crows are now the latest in the small group of animals that are known to recognise, or perhaps even mourn their dead. »

The backlash that never happened: New data shows people actually increased their Facebook usage after the Cambridge Analytica scandal

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The Cambridge Analytica data debacle was billed as Facebook's biggest crisis, but it looks like it didn't even leave a scratch on the company.

Facebook weathered the worst of the storm and usage actually increased, according to a client note from Goldman Sachs, citing ComScore figures.

But then Zuckerberg has already suggested that Facebook has seen little impact from Cambridge Analytica in terms of user engagement. »

German cartoonist sacked after Netanyahu drawing

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Previously, Dieter Hanitzsch drew Turkish president, but was defended over free speech.

A leading German daily fired a cartoonist over anti-semitic views on Friday after he drew a caricature of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

He was defended on the basis of freedom of the press and expression, for his drawings published in the same newspaper. »

Report calls Trump ally's testimony into question

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The New York Times reported Saturday that Prince attended the meeting at Trump Tower along with an Israeli social media specialist and a representative of two Gulf states, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

At the meeting, the Gulf states’ representative, George Nader, reportedly offered help with the presidential campaign while the social media specialist pitched Trump Jr. on his services.

Prince did not mention any August 2016 meeting and told the committee he had no other formal contact with the campaign. »

India now has a railway station that’s fully powered by solar energy

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The Guwahati railway station in the capital city of Assam is the first railway station in the country to be fully solar-powered.

The solar-powered railway station initiative is part of the Indian Railways’ broader plans to put up 5,000 MW of solar power capacity to meet around 25% of its energy needs through renewable energy by 2025.

Multiple other railway stations in small cities across the country, such as Mangaluru, Thiruvananthapuram, and Jaipur, too, are powered partially by solar and wind energy. »