TIL Franklin D. Roosevelt once accidentally ran into a naked Winston Churchill. When Roosevelt apologised Churchill said "The Prime Minister of Great Britain has nothing to hide from the President of the United States."

Authored by richardlangworth.com and submitted by Lwarr

“The Prime Min­is­ter of Great Britain has noth­ing to hide from the Pres­i­dent of the Unit­ed States.” **

This was alleged­ly stat­ed by Churchill dur­ing his vis­it to the White House fol­low­ing Pearl Har­bor in Decem­ber 1941, accord­ing to Churchill’s body­guard, Wal­ter Thomp­son, and one of his sec­re­taries, Patrick Kin­na, on the strength of which I includ­ed it as like­ly in Churchill By Him­self.

The sto­ry goes that Roo­sevelt, inspired to call the new world body he hoped to orga­nize after the war the “Unit­ed Nations,” wheeled him­self into Churchill’s room, find­ing the PM, as Har­ry Hop­kins put it, “stark naked and gleam­ing pink from his bath.” But Hop­kins was not present; he had this sec­ond­hand. Lat­er, queried by Roo­sevelt biog­ra­ph­er Robert Sher­wood, Churchill said: “I could not pos­si­bly have made such a state­ment as that. The Pres­i­dent him­self would have been well aware that it was not strict­ly true.”

What­ev­er Churchill said,the encounter appar­ent­ly did occur. Recall­ing his White House vis­it to King George VI at Buck­ing­ham Palace in Jan­u­ary 1942, Churchill remarked: “Sir, I believe I am the only man in the world to have received the head of a nation naked.”

Churchill must have repeat­ed his crack to the King to Roo­sevelt, who told his con­fi­dante, Daisy Suck­ley, and the British Ambas­sador, Lord Hal­i­fax, on 17 Jan­u­ary 1945. (See Geof­frey C. Ward, Clos­est Com­pan­ion: The Unknown Sto­ry of the Inti­mate Friend­ship between Franklin Roo­sevelt and Mar­garet Suck­ley, 384-85.)

In Suckley’s ver­sion, WSC did not say he had “noth­ing to hide,” which he denied say­ing to Robert Sher­wood. Accord­ing to Suck­ley, Roo­sevelt sim­ply said, “Unit­ed Nations!” and Churchill respond­ed, “Good!”

**Paul Scree­ton prompt­ed this post when he wrote that colum­nist and TV show host Jere­my Kyle has pon­dered whether Prime Min­is­ter David Cameron sim­i­lar­ly sealed the spe­cial bond between the UK and USA dur­ing the vis­it of Barack Oba­ma. (The Sun, 26 May 2011)

donfelicedon2 on April 14th, 2018 at 22:18 UTC »

According to the article, what he actually said was:

“You see, Mr. President, I have nothing to hide.”

Which in my opinion sounds even cooler

bolanrox on April 14th, 2018 at 22:10 UTC »

Churchill also says he was nude at the Whitehouse and saw the ghost of Lincoln. So I think he just liked hanging out naked.

mordeci00 on April 14th, 2018 at 21:50 UTC »

Sounds like this may have been more accidental on Roosevelt's part than Churchill's. Like the time the hotel maid 'accidentally' walked in on me after I stood naked in the middle of the room for 6 hours.