The Daily Populous

Sunday March 11st, 2018 night edition

image for Should I kill myself or have a cup of coffee? The Stoics and Existentialists agree on the answer

If there is any philosopher who is famous for contemplating suicide, it’s Camus who, in a more serious tone, ...

It’s not only that she feels her life no longer counts, but also existing is torturous and her memories are agony.

“My death does not belong to me,” she concludes, because “it’s the others who would live my death.”.

"If having a cup of coffee is a blasé return to the quotidian, then that’s just not good enough.

Living isn’t just about breathing; living implies that you actively recognize value in life, which Anne found in her relationships.

Stoics and existentialists agree that meaning in life does not come from the outside; it is constructed by you as a moral agent.

Therefore, the decision as to whether to commit suicide or have a cup of coffee is also entirely yours. »

An ex-YouTube recruiter claims Google discriminated against white and Asian men — then deleted the evidence

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According to the claim, Google deleted evidence of its diversity hiring processes from staffers' cloud accounts and inboxes.

Google told the Wall Street Journal it would defend the lawsuit and said it hired on merit and not appearances.

Google stopped hiring white and Asian men to YouTube last year in favour of women and minority applicants, according to a civil lawsuit filed by a former YouTube recruiter. »

Runaway Princess mystery ruler of Dubai daughter flees the country

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Sheikah Latifa Mohammed Al Maktoum claims she was drugged in hospital by doctors to stop her rebelling and causing trouble.

A woman who identifies herself as the daughter of Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum - Dubai's ruler - says she has fled the country to live a normal life.

He succeeded his brother in 2006 to become the ruler of Dubai and Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates. »