
Image from and submitted by Yamamba78
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buttholesaplenty on January 8th, 2018 at 20:59 UTC »

Sessions is a moralist and thinks crime can only be dealt with in one way; punishment. He doesn't give a shit about helping anyone. He wants to lock people up to teach them a lesson. No more, no less.

When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

qyp000 on January 8th, 2018 at 22:26 UTC »

what is sessions motivation with the cannabis policy change? it seems like the response in congress was pretty uniformly negative to everything he came up with, I just don't see where his motivation is coming from for changing anything currently with cannabis laws. seems like a good way to get the boot quickly to me.

Quidfacis_ on January 9th, 2018 at 03:21 UTC »

Can't smell opioids.

Which is one of the reasons government agencies want to keep marijuana illegal. If you look at drug seizure statistics you'll find that marijuana is usually 80%+ of DEA and other police force drug success stories.

If marijuana is legal, then the DEA's success statistics go to shit. Local drug enforcement's drug seizure success statistics go to shit.