The Daily Populous

Sunday December 3rd, 2017 evening edition

image for Russian sites call HIV a myth, Western conspiracy—an epidemic is now exploding

One group dubbed the virus “the greatest myth of the 20th century,” while calling HIV drugs “poison” and doctors “killers” working to enrich pharmaceutical companies.

Others claimed the "myth" of AIDS is intended to establish “total control” over the world population.

Meanwhile, Russia has seen steep and consistent increases in rate of new HIV cases in the past decade, even as the rest of the world has seen declines.

There are now more than 900,000 Russians living with HIV, with 10 new cases reported each hour.

According to the AFP, less than half of Russians with HIV are currently being treated for the infection.

Dolzhenko said that official campaigns from the Russian government promote protection through being “intimate only with the person you trust,” rather than condoms.

Yet 30 percent of infected Russian women get the virus from their sole partners, she said. »

ABC News Suspends Brian Ross for 4 Weeks Without Pay: ‘Effective Immediately’

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ABC News has announced that Brian Ross would be suspended for four weeks without pay “effective immediately.”.

“Effective immediately, Brian Ross will be suspended for four weeks without pay.”.

ABC News’ Brian Ross had to apologize for suggesting that Aurora theater shooter James Holmes was a member of Colorado Tea Party. – Ryan Saavedra ???????? »

This Scientist Wants to Bring Star Trek Values to Congress

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Until recently her life revolved around science—traveling the world to study different volcanoes and running an educational nonprofit.

There’s a growing recognition among them that too many elected officials are ignorant of basic science, and that the only solution is for scientists to get in there and do a better job.

“The science candidates are going to be in favor of things that are scientifically proven to work,” Phoenix says. »

A New Bill Wants Jail Time for Execs Who Hide Data Breaches

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Broken things abounded this week too, though, starting with the FCC's public comment system, which bots and automated forms made a mockery of.

In the case of Siemens alone, the hackers allegedly got away with over 400 gigabytes of data.

The hackers aren't expected to actually face trial, given the unlikeliness of China handing them over to US authorities. »

Texas prisons ban The Color Purple and Monty Python – but Mein Kampf is fine

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Books including The Color Purple, Freakonomics and Monty Python’s Big Red Book are banned in Texas state prisons – but Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf and two books by former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard David Duke are not.

What is or is not permissible in Texas prisons is largely decided by mailroom staff, the newspaper found.

“Mein Kampf is on the approved list because it does not violate our rules,” said Jason Clark, TDCJ deputy chief of staff. »