The Daily Populous

Sunday November 26th, 2017 evening edition

image for Dear TV: Stop Telling the Techno-Babbling Character to 'Put It in English'

Sometimes your scenes involving supersmart characters take dumb, dreadfully expected turns.

TV, I am not here to begrudge you the brandishing of brilliant minds on shows such as Arrow, Criminal Minds and Scorpion.

Lord knows, Jack Bauer would have died 10 times over had Chloe not known how to open a socket and upload a terabyte widget into the ethersphere.

1) Have the computer/science/medical whiz “decode” their dizzying download as they go along (e.g. “I could do this, which means this….”).

In an increasingly tech-heavy/-savvy society, the wonk’s words aren’t as insanely foreign as they used to be (military-trained Dig doesn’t know what “triangulate” means?

has become the groan-worthy equivalent of a Dad Joke — and trust me, I know plenty of those. »

Walmart Nation: Mapping the Largest Employers in the U.S.

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In an era where Amazon steals most of the headlines, it’s easy to forget about brick-and-mortar retailers like Walmart.

As today’s map shows, Walmart is dominant in one other notable way: the company is the biggest private employer in America in a whopping 22 states.

State Company # of employees Alabama Walmart 38,041 Arizona Walmart 33,910 Arkansas Walmart 53,310 Florida Walmart 108,321 Georgia Walmart 59,371 Illinois Walmart 54,698 Indiana Walmart 39,667 Kansas Walmart 20,938 Kentucky Walmart 30,181 Louisiana Walmart 36,992 Mississippi Walmart 24,898 Missouri Walmart 43,203 Montana Walmart 4,776 New Hampshire Walmart 8,284 Ohio Walmart 50,481 Oklahoma Walmart 34,014 South Carolina Walmart 32,267 Tennessee Walmart 41,487 Texas Walmart 171,531 Virginia Walmart 44,621 West Virginia Walmart 12,321 Wyoming Walmart 4,699. »

Council proposes £1,000 fines for homeless people sleeping in tents

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A council has been called “cruel and callous” for proposing £1,000 fines to homeless people sleeping in tents in the city centre.

“It’s right and proper that the police take action to stop antisocial behaviour on our streets, but punishing the homeless simply for being homeless is appalling.

A Stoke-on-Trent city council spokesman said: “No one is being fined for sleeping in a tent. »

FCC doubles down on its dead-wrong definition of how the internet works

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It’s important because the two things are regulated very differently — the FCC has much greater power over telecommunications services, under the “Title II” authority that internet service providers are so afraid of.

The FCC dismisses these scholars and founding technologists of the internet in a footnote, describing itself as “unpersuaded” that the internet works the way they insist it does.

Because the entire proposal is predicated on this spurious and outdated definition, to remove it causes the rest to crumble. »