The Daily Populous

Sunday August 13rd, 2017 night edition

image for Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal

Puttering About in a Small Land (Dick) This book is another of Philip K Dicks early, unpublished literary books.

I think they generally get better as they go, and this one was pretty darn good.

Dick has an interesting way of making his characters, which is almost hard to describe.

They’re almost like characters from Elizabethan theatre at times - with dialog that’s unrealistic, but which accurately reflects real sentiments.

Why Information Grows (Hidalgo) A fun book on Hidalgo’s theory of economics and trade as manifestations of energy, entropy, and information.

This book is a sort of combination of science history and business history.

It’s very long and detailed, with a lot of different characters taking the stage at times, but enjoyable the whole way through. »

/r/TrumpCriticizesTrump: HIGH ENERGY DEBATE!! : subredditoftheday

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And it motherfuckin' IS a humor subreddit, because THE DONALD is a humor president.

If you don't find something to laugh at every day, then just repeat after me, "Donald Trump is the president of the United States."

I am going to show you a tweet by @realDonaldTrump and then give you a spoiler about why it's funny. »

Who Said “When One Door Closes Another Opens"?

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Alexander Graham Bell had many failures and setbacks in both his career and private life.

Alexander Graham Bell said this quote; however, there is more to the quote.

“When one door closes another door opens, but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us.”. »

An American tourist gave the Nazi salute in Germany — so a stranger beat him up, police say

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An American tourist in Germany was beaten up by a passer-by after he began giving the Nazi salute outside a cafe in Dresden, police said Sunday.

The tourist was identified only as a 41-year-old American man who was “severely drunk,” according to police.

Similarly, a 30-year-old Canadian tourist was detained in 2011 after being photographed giving the Nazi salute outside the Reichstag. »

Russian group that hacked DNC used NSA attack code in attack on hotels

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In the earlier attack, the APT 28 members used a hacking tool dubbed Responder to monitor and falsify NetBIOS communications passed over the infected networks.

"APT 28 used this technique to steal usernames and hashed passwords that allowed escalation of privileges in the victim network."

Fancy Bear used a spear phishing campaign to distribute a booby-trapped Microsoft Word document to several unnamed hotels, FireEye said. »