The Daily Populous

Friday June 30th, 2017 evening edition

image for Germany's Bundestag passes bill on same-sex marriage

However, more than 70 members of Merkel's conservative bloc must have voted in favor of the bill for it to pass.

Merkel later explained her "no" vote by saying that she understood the definition of marriage in the German constitution as referring solely to unions between men and women.

She said, however, that she hoped the vote to approve gay marriage would lead to "more social peace.".

Fourteen European countries have now made gay marriage legal, with the Netherlands leading the way in 2001.

The long path toward same-sex marriage in Germany.

Germany currently allows civil partnerships, but not full marital rights, which would include the possibility to jointly adopt children.

Opinion: Angela Merkel's calculated change of heart on gay marriage. »

We Do Not Have a Child Slave Colony on Mars: NASA

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Conspiracy theorist and human gopher Alex Jones announced his latest revelation and it’s out of this world.

While on Jones’ show, Steele mentioned how NASA established a colony on Mars to which they shipped kidnapped children over a 20-year space ride.

This, according to Steele, is a form of pedophilia, which is, again, performed on 20-plus year old kids. »

The Efficacy of Some Commercially Available Insect Repellents for Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) and Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae)

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Fear of possible side effects of DEET has created a large market for “natural” DEET-free repellents with a variety of active ingredients.

On an individual level, mosquito repellents are widely used to avoid disease exposure ( Barnard 2000 , Barnard and Xue 2004 ).

The volunteer was not allowed to wash her hands, wear perfume, or take a shower in the morning prior to the experiments. »

Bundestag beschließt Ehe für alle

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Das bedeutet, dass die Fraktionsdisziplin aufgehoben wird und Abgeordnete ohne Vorankündigung von der Parteilinie abweichen können.

"Zwei Menschen, die sich lieben und füreinander Verantwortung übernehmen wollen, verdienen unseren Respekt und die volle Unterstützung des Staates. »

Bundestag beschließt die "Ehe für alle"

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Sie begründete dies im Anschluss damit, dass für sie "die Ehe im Grundgesetz die Ehe von Mann und Frau" sei.

Linke-Fraktionschef Dietmar Bartsch bezeichnete den heute anstehenden Schritt als Erfolg vieler Aktivistinnen und Aktivisten, die sich jahrelang für die Ehe für alle engagiert hätten.

Sie dankte dem grünen Bundestagsabgeordneten Volker Beck, der sich unermüdlich für die Ehe für alle eingesetzt habe: "Es ist dein Lebenswerk.". »