The Daily Populous

Sunday April 2nd, 2017 morning edition

image for President Trump Takes Aim at Net Neutrality Laws Next

Unraveling Obama-era net neutrality rules, the president's spokesman Sean Spicer said late this week .

Enacted in February 2015 under then-president Barack Obama, these rules classified large companies like Comcast ( cmcsa ) that deliver Internet to consumers as public utilities.

That meant those companies were unable to discriminate against content providers based on the type and amount of content delivered.

Besides Comcast Comcast , other Internet Service Providers (ISPs) affected by the rules include Charter Communications ( chtr ) (which bought Time Warner last year), Verizon , and AT&T ( t ) .

Trump's disdain for net neutrality is no surprise.

This news came just days after the Republican-controlled Congress voted to reverse privacy rules that prevent ISPs from accessing and possibly selling personal browsing information.

Supporters of the reversal said those rules force ISPs to do more to protect user privacy than companies like Google ( goog ) and Facebook ( fb ) .

TIL Raccoons were able to open 11 of 13 complex locks in fewer than 10 tries and had no problems repeating the action when the locks were rearranged or turned upside down. They can also remember the solutions to tasks for up to 3 years.

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[33] Most of the other 15 subspecies differ only slightly from each other in coat color, size and other physical characteristics.

Both share a comparatively dark coat with long hairs, but the Upper Mississippi Valley raccoon is larger than the eastern raccoon.

The eastern raccoon occurs in all U.S. states and Canadian provinces to the north of South Carolina and Tennessee.

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$13M Paid to Women Who Accused Bill O’Reilly of Harassment

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Fox News and Bill O’Reilly have paid out around $13 million in settlements to five women who accused O’Reilly of sexual harassment or verbal abuse, the New York Times reports.

Some of the settlements were completed in secret, and two happened after former Fox News chief Roger Ailes was dismissed following his own sexual harassment scandal last year.

21st Century Fox, Fox News’s parent company, indicated in a statement to the Times that they are continuing to stand behind O’Reilly:.

Sweeping purge against gays in Chechnya: People killed

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Information on the mass detention of suspected homosexuals began forthcoming at the beginning of the week, Novaya Gazeta says.

The publication notes that Alekseev won his first complaint in Strasbourg in 2011, received compensation of 29 thousand euro.

At the moment, the ECHR is considering two more of his similar complaints, compensation for which may amount to 100,000 euros.